Thursday, May 8, 2008

Breakin' Curfew Poster 08

breakin curfew poster, originally uploaded by Ceeduslupeedus.

Breakin' Curfew comes to Ann Arbor once a year and is my favorite event around. It is a $40,000 production organized by the teens of The Neutral Zone, Ann Arbor's Teen Center, and features musicians, artists, dancers, poets of all sorts from around the Southeastern Michigan area. I was asked to be on the poster committee when I was 14 but came down with pneumonia and couldn't make it to any of the meetings. So imagine my excitement when I was asked to design the posters myself! The committee wanted something in the style of my DJ design, which worked out because that's what I love to do. I designed this collage of artists after researching each of the acts performing. The figure at the top is androgynous so that anyone can fit themselves into the mix.

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