Monday, December 8, 2008
Blades of Glory
My friend's younger sister asked me before I left her house to design her team's sweatshirts and she and I drew up a sketch on their kitchen counter. Actually, it was more like,"Hey, Anna, wanna design my team's sweatshirts? The design's due in six hours" with a piece of paper and pencil in her hand. Silly Maggie. :)
I wish I had had more time to put in my signature hand drawn burst of a collage and play with the angles, but regardless I'm really happy that I got to do this for them!
I'm glad they're happy, too, because they're the ones who have to wear it!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Shirts Need Your Help
Many have already found their companions in both men and women of all different ethnicities, social groups, ages (from 3 yrs to 60 yrs so far), and places (west coast to east coast, to the UK to far). The rest need your help. This holiday season, please make yourself or a loved one happy by giving a shirt a new friend.
Available here for just $20. Free shipping within the US.
photo courtesy of leavittphoto
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Global Domination
I just got an Etsy order for a shirt from Ireland! My Etsy shop has officially gone international.
photo courtesy of my sister's photogenic family and leavittphoto
Friday, November 14, 2008
For the Greater Good
Woohoo! This beautiful (huge) print landed itself on my doorstep today and I'm already picking out the matte and frame. It's going to be a family heirloom as it holds EXTRA meaning to me - my first favorite artist AND my first time voting! Especially because it was for someone who is a symbol of my values and newfound patriotism ( I could go on and on). It's my favorite of the Artists for Obama prints. Little Nina, Leah, Andrew, Rachael, Meg, and Madeleine I think would all agree that their parents' money went to a great cause.
I hope someday I can express myself as well as the comments made in this interview. Absolutely worth reading the whole way through no matter who you are. Fascinating is the right word.
Monday, November 10, 2008
15 new hand-painted Escapula fish, among others.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Covert Matador
Monday, June 2, 2008
Clay, too!
The first figure was coated with a mixture of oxides and india ink. Here it is set up at the Potential! art show at the Ann Arbor Art Center:
I bought some clay so I could work on another at home. I really wanted to try out my favorite finish- horsehair raku. I'm very happy with how it turned out:
Sunday, June 1, 2008
French Techno Prom
I listened to French house for days (now that's dedication) before drawing out this poster for a fundraiser. It really helped me figure out what kind of energy the design needed to portray.
The Eiffel tower is reflecting in Guy Manuel of Daft Punk's helmet, and if you couldn't tell, they are also wearing glowsticks... 3,000 of which were ordered for the event!
Here is a quick colored-in version:
Friday, May 9, 2008
Breakin' Curfew Stage Backdrop
I wasn't expecting to do the stage backdrop but when I was asked I knew exactly what I was going to do with the twelve 8ft by 4ft plastic panels the Neutral Zone ordered. I laid out the panels in my backyard and rolled, splattered, smeared, poured, threw and kicked dozens of cans of donated house paint onto the panels.
Five days and lots of clean up later it was ready to drop down from the Power Center ceiling during the third act. The effect of the beat drop, the lights amping the colors, and the surprise made everyone go wild. It was at that moment that I felt the greatest sense of accomplishment.
Lady Te (performing with balloons and a very excited audience in the top photo) and her manager came up to me after the show to tell me how much they liked it (what?! Moi?!).
Afterlife for Giant Artwork:
I built and stained a frame for the top center panel and now it's hanging in the living room! It's bigger than the couch!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Breakin' Curfew Poster 08
Breakin' Curfew comes to Ann Arbor once a year and is my favorite event around. It is a $40,000 production organized by the teens of The Neutral Zone, Ann Arbor's Teen Center, and features musicians, artists, dancers, poets of all sorts from around the Southeastern Michigan area. I was asked to be on the poster committee when I was 14 but came down with pneumonia and couldn't make it to any of the meetings. So imagine my excitement when I was asked to design the posters myself! The committee wanted something in the style of my DJ design, which worked out because that's what I love to do. I designed this collage of artists after researching each of the acts performing. The figure at the top is androgynous so that anyone can fit themselves into the mix.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Ten Days
I hate keeping blogs; this is temporary until someone will rescue my website!